Pillar 6: Body and mind
6.1 Theory
Philosophy of mind | Philosophy of (human) biology | (Human) bioethics
6.2 Basic sciences
Human biology | Psychology | Cognitive science | Neuroscience | Forensic science | Sports science | Bioinformatics
6.3 Health and wellbeing
6.3.1 Medical sciences
Medicine | Dentistry
6.3.2 Paramedical Studies
Nursing: Midwifery | Paramedicine | Pharmacology | Pharmacy | Toxicology | Physical therapy | Occupational therapy | Podiatry | Audiology | Speech-language pathology | Optometry | Clinical psychology | Addiction studies | Art therapy | Animal-assisted therapy | Genetic counseling | Nutrition and dietetics | Public health | Medical laboratory science | Radiography | Medical Imaging
6.3.3 Complementary medicine
Acupuncture | Herbal medicine | Massage therapy | Yoga | Clown care
6.1 Theory
• Philosophy of mind (W)
• Philosophy of (human) biology
(See Philosophy of biology)
• Human bioethics (W)
Subfield of bioethics (See too bioethics)
6.2 Basic sciences
• Human biology (W)
Subfield of biology (See too biology)
• Psychology (W)
• Cognitive science (W)
• Neuroscience (W)
• Forensic science (W)
• Sports science (W)
• Bioinformatics (W)
6.3 Health and wellbeing
6.3.1 Medical sciences
• Medicine (W)
Promoting health and alleviating suffering
Foundations (metaknowledge of medicine)
Theoretical basis
Philosophy of medicine | Medical ethics |
Sociology of medicine | History of medicne |
Medical research & evaluation |
Medical education | Medical informatics
Scientific basis (not part of medicine)
Biology | Chemistry | Physics |
Specialities (body of knowledge of medicine)
Clinical medicine (Clinical specialities)
Systems and Diseases
Internal Medicine
Organs & systems
Nervous system
Neurology | Ophthalmology |
Cardiovascular system
Angiology | Cardiology | Hematology
Respiratory system
Digestive system
Urinary system
Nephrology | Urology
Muscular system
Skeletal System
Endocrine system
Immune system
Immunology & Allergology
Integumentary system
Dermatology & Venereology
Reproductive system
Gynecology & Obstetrics
Diseases & conditions
Infectious Diseases | Oncology |
Treatments and Technologies
Surgery | Emergency Medicine |
Intensive care | Plastic Surgery |
Radiotherapy | Rehabilitation
Anesthesia | Pain medicine |
Palliative medicine
Preventive medicine
Pediatrics |
Neonatology |
Adolescent Medicine |Geriatrics
Men's medicine* | Women's medicine* |
LGBT medicine
Family Medicine | Sports medicine |
Space medicine |
Diagnostic medicine (diag. specialties)
Diagnostic pathology | Clinical biochemistry |
Clinical microbiology |
Diagnostic radiology | Nuclear medicine
Consultative medicine (con. specialties)
Clinical pharmacology | Medical genetics |
Occupational medicine | Public Health*
Investigative medicine (inv. specialties)
Legal medicine
Foundations (metaknowledge of medicine)
Theoretical basis
Knowledge about medicine; part of medicine
•• Philosophy of medicine (W)
•• Medical ethics (W)
•• Sociology of medicine (W)
•• History of medicine (W)
•• Medical research & evaluation (W)
•• Medical education (W)
•• Medical informatics (W)
Scientific basis
Basic Sciences at the basis of medicine;
not subfields of medicine:
Biology (Anatomy | Biochemistry |
Biophysics | Cell Biology |
Developmental Biology | Genetics
Histology | Immunology |
Microbiology (Bacteriology, Virology) |
Molecular Biology | Physiology |
Photobiology | Radiobiology) | Chemistry |
Physics | Physical Chemistry |
Pharmacology | Toxicology | Nutrition & Diet |
Psychology | Anthropology | Sociology |
Mathematics | Statistics | Computer Science |
Information Science | Bioinformatics |
Specialities (body of knowledge of medicine)
Clinical Medicine (Clinical Specialities)
Specialities focusing on the individual person
Systems and Diseases
•• Internal medicine (W)
Non-surgical care of internal organs in adults;
A core field and a cluster of independent fields:
••• Angiology (see Angiology)
Vascular medicine
••• Cardiology (see Cardiology)
••• Clinical Immunology & Allergology
(see Immunology & Allergology)
••• Endocrinology
••• Gastroenterology
•••• Hepatology
••• Geriatrics
••• Hematology
••• Infectious diseases
••• Nephrology
••• Oncology (see Oncology)
Cancer medicine
••• Pulmonology
••• Rheumatology
Organs & systems
Nervous system
•• Neurology (W)
•• Ophthalmology (W)
•• Otorhinolaryngology (W)
Cardiovascular system
•• Angiology (W)
Vascular medicine
•• Cardiology (W)
•• Hematology (W)
Respiratory system
•• Pulmonology (W)
Digestive system
•• Gastroenterology (W)
••• Hepatology (W)
Urinary system
•• Nephrology (W)
•• Urology (W)
Muscular system
•• Rheumatology (W)
Skeletal System
•• Orthopedics (W)
Endocrine system
••Endocrinology (W)
Immune system
•• Immunology (W) & Allergology (W)
Integumentary system (W)
••Dermatology (W)
& Venereology (W)
Reproductive system
•• Obstetrics (W)
& Gynecology (W)
Diseases & conditions
••Bariatrics (W)
Treatment of obesity
•• Infectious diseases (W)
•• Oncology (W)
— Theory (metaknowledge)
••• Ethics in oncology
(see medical ethics)
••• Cancer research (W)
— Subspecialities
••• Clinical oncology
•••• Breast oncology (W)
•••• Cardio-oncology (W)
•••• Dermatological oncology (W)
•••• Gastrointestinal oncology (W)
Esophageal cancer (W) |
Stomach cancer (W) |
Pancreatic cancer (W) |
Liver cancer (W) |
Gallbladder cancer (W)
•••• Genitourinary oncology
urinary-tract system & reproductive organs
•••• Gynecologic oncology (W)
•••• Head & Neck oncology (W)
•••• Hemato oncology (W)
Leukemia (W)
•••• Musculoskeletal oncology (W)
bones cancer (W)
•••• Neuro-oncology (W)
•••• Ocular oncology (W)
•••• Thoracic oncology (W)
•••• Pediatric oncology (W)
•••• Adolescent & young adult oncology (W)
•••• Geriatric oncology (W)
•••• Molecular oncology (W)
(see molecular medicine (W))
•••• Nuclear oncology (W)
(see nuclear medicine (W))
•••• Pain & palliative oncology (W)
(see palliative medicine)
•••• Preventive oncology (W)
(see preventive medicine (W))
••• Radiation therapy (W)
••• Surgical oncology (see surgery (W))
•• Psychiatry (W)
••• Neuropsychiatry (W)
•• Sleep medicine (W)
Treatments and Technologies
•• Surgery (W)
••• General surgery (W)
••• Cardiothoracic surgery (W)
••• Eye surgery (W)
••• Neurosurgery (W)
••• Orthopedics (W)
••• Plastic surgery (W)
••• Urology (W)
••• Vascular surgery (W)
••• Ophthalmology (W)
••• Otolaryngology (W)
••• Oral and maxillofacial surgery (W)
••• Surgical oncology (W)
••• Trauma surgery (W)
••• Pediatric surgery (W)
••• General surgery (W)
••• Cardiothoracic surgery (W)
•••• Cardiovascular surgery (W)
•••• Thoracic surgery (W)
••• Vascular surgery (W)
••• Neurosurgery (W)
•••• Vascular neurosurgery (W)
•••• Stereotactic neurosurgery (W)
•••• Oncological neurosurgery (W)
•••• Skull base surgery (W)
•••• Spinal neurosurgery (W)
•••• Peripheral nerve surgery (W)
•••• Pediatric neurosurgery (W)
••• Orthopedics (W)
••• Eye surgery
(Ophthalmology (W))
••• Otolaryngology (W)
••• Oral and maxillofacial surgery (W)
••• Plastic surgery (W)
••• Urology (W)
•••• Endourology (W)
•••• Laproscopy (W)
•••• Urologic oncology (W)
•••• Neurourology (W)
•••• Andrology (W)
•••• Reconstructive urology (W)
•••• Urogynecology (W)
•••• Pediatric urology (W)
••• Surgical oncology (W)
••• Trauma surgery (W)
••• Pediatric surgery (W)
•• Emergency Medicine (W)
•• Intensive care Medicine (W)
•• Radiotherapy (W)
•• Rehabilitation (W)
••• Neuromuscular rehabilitation (W)
••• Geriatric rehabilitation (W)
•• Anesthesiology (W)
•• Pain medicine(W)
•• Palliative medicine (W)
•• Preventive medicine (W)
•• Pediatrics (W)
(Incl. Neonatology
& Adolescent Medicine)
•• Geriatrics (W)
•• Men's medicine |
••Women's medicine
•• LGBT medicine (W)
•• Family Medicine
•• Sports medicine
•• Space medicine
Diagnostic medicine (W)
(diagnostic specialties)
•• Diagnostic pathology (W)
Pathological diagnosis of organs and systems
— Theory (metaknowledge)
••• Philosophy in pathology
••• History of pathology (W)
— Subspecialities
••• Gynecologic pathology (W)
Female genital tract
••• Dermatopathology (W)
Integumentary system (skin)
••• Hematopathology (W)
Blood system
••• Neuropathology (W)
Nervous system
••• Nephropathology
••• Perinatal pathology
Fetuses and newborns
••• Bone and soft tissue pathology (W)
skeleton and soft tissue
••• Gastrointestinal pathology (W)
Digestive system
••• Transplant pathology
••• Pathology of the respiratory tractyn (W)
••• Oral and maxillofacial pathology
(See Oral and maxillofacial pathology)
Subspeciality of dentistry
••• Head and neck pathology (W)
Head and neck medicine (e.g., cancer)
••• Molecular pathology (W)
Pathological diagnosis at the molecular level
••• Cytopathology (W)
Pathological diagnosis at the cellular level
••• Forensic pathology (W)
(see forensic pathology)
Subspeciality of legal medicine
•• Clinical Biochemistry (W)
•• Diagnostic Radiology (W)
••• Abdominal Radiology
•••• Gastrointestinal Radiology
•••• Genitourinary Radiology
••• Breast Imaging (W)
••• Cardiothoracic (Chest) Radiology* (W)
••• Neuroradiology (W)
••• Head & Neck Radiology (W)
••• Musculoskeletal Radiology (W)
••• Nuclear Radiology (W)
••• Oncological Radiology (W)
••• Pediatric Radiology (W)
••• Radiation Oncology (W)
••• Vascular & Interventional Radiology (W)
•• Medical gentics (W)
•• Nuclear medicine (W)
Consultative medicine (con. specialties)
Clinical pharmacology | Medical genetics |
Occupational medicine | Public Health*
Investigative medicine (inv. specialties)
•• Legal medicine (W)
Forensic medicine (W)
••• Forensic pathology (W)
Pathological diagnosis of the cause of death
••• Forensic psychiatry (W)
••• Forensic dentistry (W)
••• Forensic radiology (W)
••• Forensic toxicology (W)
• Dentistry (W)
•• History of dentistry (W)
•• Periodontics (W)
Supporting structures of teeth
•• Endodontics (W)
Teeth root canal
•• Orthodontics (W)
Teeth straightening
•• Prosthodontics
•• Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (W)
•• Oral Medicine, Sedation and Imaging (W)
•• Community Dentistry (W)
Dental public health
•• Pediatric Dentistry (W)
•• Oral and maxillofacial pathology (W)
6.3.2 Paramedical Studies
• Nursing (W)
• Midwifery (W)
• Paramedicine (W)
• Pharmacology (W)
• Pharmacy (W)
• Toxicology (W)
• Physical therapy (W)
• Occupational therapy (W)
• Podiatry (W)
• Audiology (W)
• Speech-language pathology (W)
• Optometry (W)
• Clinical psychology (W)
• Addiction studies (W)
• Art therapy (W)
• Animal-assisted therapy (W)
• Genetic counseling (W)
• Nutrition (W) and dietetics (W)
• Public health (W)
• Medical laboratory science (W)
• Radiography (W) | medical imaging (W)
6.3.3 Complementary medicine (W)
• Acupuncture (W)
• Herbal medicine (W)
• Massage therapy (W)
• Yoga (W)
• Clown care (W)
The Body and mind pillar